
Justin Donald Leader

Benefits Professional
  • I’ve Got Two Tickets to…Free Surgery?

    Apr 05, 2016

by Justin Leader


Wait, that’s how the Eddie Money song goes right?  Alright maybe I changed the lyrics a bit however with good reason.  While no Surgery will ever be free what if those two tickets came in the form of a more affordable surgery for all? For example a knee replacement with better outcomes, a lower total cost for the Self-Funded employer and no deductible with a cash bonus for the employee?  Some in our industry just might call that paradise.

A few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting a man that would forever change my outlook on Healthcare in the United States.  The man is Tibi Zohar, co-founder and CEO of Doctor Globe, Inc.  We were at a conference in Florida and I happened to awkwardly sit my plate of food and drink down beside Tibi at a standing table in the exhibit hall.  I will never forget some of the first words out of his mouth as he spoke to 2 HR directors and I at his table.  “If you grew up in a box, you don’t know that there is a box.” He was speaking of course in regards to how we view Healthcare in our country.  Very quickly we engaged in a deep discussion surrounding our broken Healthcare system.

For Tibi, having grown up in Israel and then traveling to the US, his world view offers a unique perspective.  We in the US have grown accustomed to our way of consuming Healthcare.  We pay a lot of money, our employers pay a lot of money and at the end of the day we either suck it up or we avoid Healthcare altogether!  In 2014, 28% of insured Americans avoided some aspect of medical care due to cost, according to the Commonwealth Fund, a private health care foundation.  That is more than 1 in 4 adults!

I myself am guilty of this.  I finally had a surgery performed last week after putting it off for 6 years!  6 years!  Why was I ok with the on-going pain?  The pain of out of pocket costs hurt more, that is why!

What if there was a better way?  What if we could inspire employees to make great healthcare buying decisions, reward them financially and at the same time save employers a ton of money?  Had I had access to the below service earlier, I could have lived 6 years pain free.

<iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/154382390″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href=”https://vimeo.com/154382390″>Find, Compare, and Reserve Your Care&reg;</a> from <a href=”https://vimeo.com/user48256239″>DoctorGlobe</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>

If you are an employer, employee, broker or consultant interested in learning more about Doctor Globe do not hesitate to contact me, jl@bdsadmin.com.


Justin Leader is Vice President of Business Development with Benefit Design Specialists, Inc.  BDS is committed to a two-fold goal; delivering quality, cost-effective employee benefit plans coupled with hassle-free benefits management for our client’s HR departments.  Transparent Health, By BDS is a solution that drives down Healthcare costs while giving complete investment transparency.