
Justin Donald Leader

Benefits Professional
  • Find Your Movie Trailer Voice

    Jul 30, 2018

by Justin Leader


We all know that voice. You’re sitting in the movie theater. You have your oversized and overpriced popcorn that will leave you smelly and covered with butter. You bought that huge fountain drink sitting next to you that you will regret knowing fully well that the last 20 minutes will be spent anxiously having to pee as the movie reaches climax and concludes. Before the big show though we always anticipate the trailers. Although the clips are all under 120 seconds, we can’t help but fall into the hype and excitement of movies to come. Cue the intense music and enter that booming, deep voice….”In a world were…..enter storyline.”

Now that you have that voice in your head let me introduce you to Karin Hurt, Co-Author of “Winning Well – A Managers Guide to Getting Results Without Losing Your Soul”. She is hands down one of the best leadership speakers you can hire. I had the honor of hearing her speak at the PA State SHRM Volunteer leadership conference in Carlisle Pennsylvania recently. Today she helped a room full of HR Leaders from across the state of Pennsylvania as well as a few attentive sponsors find their movie trailer voice.

We all have a role that we play in our organization but are we able to put those duties into a precise passionate message? This is where Karin drives her message home in emphasizing the issues we face in the world, how we address them, and what will be the ultimate outcome. Her message was quite clear, sit back, visualize your role, whether personal or professional and follow these steps to hone in your message. In a world where ____ (What is the environment you are dealing with…), One _____ (who we are….), Will ___ (take a stand, take action or change…), To ____ (what you do, the outcome….).

It’s a great exercise! I joined in and liked the result:

Personal: Considering I am a newlywed I decided to tackle my personal statement first. “In a world, where my Wife urges me to keep the toilet seat down. One Man will decide whether he can truly change his ways or deal with the consequences of an angry bride with a wet rear end.”

Professional: “In a world where healthcare benefits are an ever-increasing expense for employers and employees, were numerous enemies are positioned as allies with perverse incentives to increase these costs. I fix this issue for employers, employees, and consultants with specialized benefit solutions designed to decrease price, streamline delivery and enhance the overall benefits experience while exposing those who do not have their best interest in mind.”

What would your movie trailer say? Share yours in the comments and if your so inclined pick up a copy of Karin’s book!

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